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A member registered Feb 04, 2017

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Here's one:

It crashed around year 74. Otherwise it was pretty fun! 

A few quality of life things that'd be nice: 

  • Keyboard shortcuts (especially time)
  • Updating the market while time is running
  • Being able to keep time running while in the development screen (if you're short some money you have to start over)

Thanks for the playthrough video!

Thanks for your review! We fixed the camera to lead now. Also we noticed you were a bit confused about the keycards, so now there will be onscreen messages to clarify what you picked up or why you can't open a door.

Some of the YouTubers have voiced it pretty nicely. Maybe we could ask one of them to record it for us.

Thanks for playing! Glad you had such a good time :D

(1 edit)

Oh, and if you enjoyed the music, send the audio guys some love and they might agree to make another track!

Menger & Meester:

Thanks for the feedback! It shouldn't take you 5 minutes to get up to speed, though... are you sure you're driving close enough to your trail?

Sorry to hear that! We're glad you still enjoyed the game ;)

Glad you liked it so much! Do tell your friends ;)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the review Syphon, had a blast watching it!

Yeah you can beat it, just follow your trail as good as possible to speed up (even faster)!